About Pickleball Den Haag/The Hague

About Pickleball Den Haag/The Hague


Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis. While a relatively young sport in the Netherlands, it is growing fast!

Out of pure love and passion for the sport, Krishna Thakrar decided to bring pickleball to The Hague. With the help of Amsterdam Pickleball Club, the first clinics were held in September 2016.

Eight years later in the Hague, we have grown into a committed community, with international players from different sport backgrounds including badminton, squash, tennis, table tennis, and even volleyball. As part of our growth, we have stepped up to the challenge participating at national and international tournaments.

Come and try one of the fastest growing sport in the world. We promise it will be a fun time!


Play Sessions


Indoor play

From mid September to early May we play at our indoor locations. Our indoor play schedule is as follows:

If you’re trying the sport for the first time, you can try it out for free! You only need to bring indoor sport shoes. We will provide balls and a paddle to play. If you interested in a try-out please send an email to dhpickleball@gmail.com

We offer various payment options for indoor play:

1. Quarterly unlimited, € 70,- per quarter for unlimited play on any day (roughly Oct-Dec, Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep). Starting in the second half of the quarter qualifies for a 50% discount.

2. Bundle (10x play), € 80,- (‘strippenkaart’) that can be used for 10 plays on any play day offered, expires 1 year after purchase, and cannot be used by multiple players (or family members).

3. Starter bundle (5x play), € 30,- for new members only. It cannot be renewed and expires half a year after purchase.

4. Incidental visitors, € 10,- per play, for infrequent players from e.g., visiting The Hague for a few weeks from abroad.


Outdoor play

In the summer we play outdoors at SOS Kwieksport. This summer season runs from mid-May to end of September, depending on weather conditions. As we have much more court time available during the summer, we play a variety of morning and evening sessions. The summer schedule is as follows:

  • Monday – Wednesday – Friday: 9.30-11.30 hrs
  • Monday – Thursday: 19.30-21.30 hrs
  • Sunday: 10.30-12.30 hrs

For a one-off fee of 50 euro  you can play as many times as you like throughout the summer! Or you can choose to pay 8 euro per play.

Please see our full schedule, with exact times and locations, on our Playerlineup page.


Club shirts

We have some clubwear available on Spreadshirt.


Ooievaarspas discount

For people that have an Ooievaarspas from Gemeente Den Haag, Rijswijk or Leidschendam-Voorburg, we offer a discount of 50% for adults. Children can even get 100% discount if they meet the terms & conditions of the Ooievaarspas. More info can be found on the website of https://ooievaarspas.nl/ooievaarsregelingen/. For more information about the Ooievaarspas-options please contact dhpickleball@gmail.com

Pickleball Den Haag doet mee met Ooievaarspas